As with pretty much any important relationship, it’s complicated between my hair and I. At this point in my life, I’ve come to accept my hair for what it is, for the most part, but that doesn’t mean I got here without a fight. Lots of at home relaxers, blow drying, and straightening in my younger years left me with broken strands and a somewhat broken spirit when it came to my hair. Fast forward to today and I am more or less au-naturale in the curls department (I did get my hair colored earlier this year and a keratin treatment last year)! I am proud of that as someone who used to equate straightening my hair with the only way to really feeling pretty.

I’ve had a pretty similar routine for my hair over the past like, 4-6 years, but I usually tweak it a little every 6 months or so. Here’s a run down of what I’m doing right now:
Wash every 4 days…ish. I use DevaCurl’s no-poo conditioning cleanser. I like the minty smell. I detangle before my wash with some olive oil, a tangle teezer brush, a spray bottle with water (new addition! until recently I just did it dry, but I’m trying to get less breakage), my fingers, and a good bit of patience. I’ve been using SheaMoisture’s shea butter conditioner. I also re-detangle my hair in the shower with my fingers and a wide tooth comb after the conditioner’s been in for like 5-10 minutes. Rinse most of it out but not all. On to styling!
I apply product in sections. First I spray a section with water to make sure it’s sopping wet, then I apply SheaMoisture curl smoothie and DevaCurl gel (although I am now finished with that and am moving on to Kinky-Curly curling custard gel). Then I lock in with some SheaMoisture oil blend, don’t remember what it’s called exactly, but it’s in a green bottle. I rake through thoroughly until the section feels really smooth and then scrunch in small sections. Once done with my whole head I plop using an old neon yellow rayon (I think) H&M tank top. Yes, the color is important. I leave that on for about 20 minutes and then let my hair air dry, or diffuse for like 10 minutes on low/cool setting.
I for sure for sure try to always sleep on a satin pillowcase because that helps preserve definition/prevent frizz a lot.
Apart from that I pretty much let my hair do it’s own thing. I’m trying to figure out good refreshing techniques. I tried DevaCurl’s set it free spray with okay results the other day.
Oh and I deep condition with coconut oil and whatever thing I have on hand. Now it’s Curl Junkie’s curl rehab mask–mmmm gardenia coconut smell.
These photos were taken on day 2 hair, I believe. I think this is a bit more frizz/volume than I usually have at this point in my wash n’ go routine, but gives a pretty accurate view of my hair on average.

It’s been almost two years since I’ve gotten a real hair cut, so I think that’ll happen soonish because I’m tired of sacrificing shape for an extra like, inch of hair (long hair dream woes). Curly bangs maybe? I don’t know. We shall see.